The Town of Paonia sends bills for water/sewer/trash service each month. There will be a $50.00 new account charge added to the first bill covering the initial meter reading and install the owner/renter information in the computer for new accounts. If you receive water directly from the Town of Paonia, and/or are connected to the Town sewer line, and/or have your trash picked up by the Town, you should expect to receive a monthly billing for the appropriate services. The bills are mailed on or before the 5th of every month. The amount due will be for services provided the previous month. The Town of Paonia allows a five (5) day grace period. Bills are due on the 15th of the month (this date is adjusted to the following workday if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday). There shall be a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for final Meter readings. There may be a charge of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for same day shut-off/on for repairs or maintenance, when requested by property owner or agent. Late charges are added as follows:
A $5.00 late charge is added if the bill is not paid by the 6th day. If the bill is not paid on or before the 20th of the month, shut off notices are printed and sent. This shut off notice will give you an additional five (5) calendar days from the date the notice is printed to pay the bill before the service is shut off. A $100.00 disconnect charge is added if a bill is not paid before shut-off day.
Should your service be shut off for non-payment, you will be required to pay the entire amount due, including the disconnect charge, to get the service turned back on. We look at this as an encouragement to pay the bill as early in the month as possible.
The Town Hall has an afterhours drop box to the left of the main entry doors. Please do not drop cash payments in the night drop box. The afterhours box is emptied at 8:00 a.m. each morning. If you know that you will be unable to pay your bill by the due date, you can come into the office and pay your bill in advance.
After hours payments are collected Monday through Friday. If you know that you will be unable to pay your bill by the due date, you can come into the office and pay your bill in advance. Please note the Town accepts cash, personal/business checks & money orders. As of September 1, 2022, temporary checks will no longer be accepted. The Town is now accepting credit and debit cards. NOTE: The credit card processing company charges a 2.5 – 2.8% fee with every transaction. The Town does not take payments over the telephone. You can also pay online from the home page of the website.
Please note that the first 1,000 gallons of water is no longer a part of the Water Base Rate.
In Town Residential - $44/month
In Town Commercial - $54/month
Out of Town Residential - $54.75/month
Out of Town Commercial - $71.50/month
Tier Levels for Current Rates:
1 to 1000 gallons $2.83 per thousand
1,001 to 3000 gallons $2.83 per thousand
3,001 to 10,000 gallons $3.97 per thousand
10,001 to 25,000 gallons $5.52 per thousand
25,001 to 50,000 gallons $8.93 per thousand
50,001 to 75,000 gallons $18.64 per thousand
75,001 to 100,000 gallons $24.94 per thousand
100,001 to 99,999,999, gallons $26.40 per thousand
Sewer Rates:
- In Town Residential - $57/month
- In Town Commercial - $62/month
- Out of Town Residential/Commercial -$65/month
Note: Sewer Standby Fee - $60/month per unit
Trash Rates:
1 33 Gallon Can - $25
2-3 33 Gallon Cans - $30
4-5 33 Gallon Cans - $45
Please note: Any additional 33 Gallon containers will result in an additional $25 fee per container.
2 Cubic Dumpster - $60
3 Cubic Dumpster - $70
Oversized Items
$20 per Garbage Collector
$30 for 2 Garbage Collectors
$40 for 3 Garbage Collectors
Trash is picked up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday within the town limits. If a trash pickup day falls on a holiday, the trash will be picked up the next pickup day. All accounts within the town limits are charged for trash pickup.
Tips for successful trash pickup:
- Trash must be out by 8 am the morning of your trash day.
- Yard waste is picked up provided it is bundled no more than 18" around or 5 feet in length and weighs less than 75 lbs.
- Only small appliances, such as toasters, microwaves, etc. will be picked up.
- Please do not put out any appliances that contain freon, or have been drained of freon, as they will not be picked up.
- Trash must be placed in a bag inside the can, no loose trash in cans will be dumped.
- No construction materials
- No tires
- No grease or oil
- Any dumpster that is blocked by vehicles will not be dumped.
- It is highly recommended that you label both your trash cans as well as the lids with your physical address. We recommend using paint pens you can purchase at Dependable Lumber. The Town is not responsible for lost or stolen trash cans.
- The use of cans larger than 33 gallons is prohibited.
If you live outside the town limits, you should contact Robert’s Enterprises @ 970-527-3602 or Double J Disposal @ 970-835-8886 to haul your trash. If you plan to haul your own trash you can haul it to the North Fork Area Trash Transfer Station @ 970-835-7999 36577 K50 Lane, east of Hotchkiss, CO or the landfill west of Eckert.
The transfer station is primarily a convenience for local area residents to dispose of household/yard waste but will also accept smaller quantities of industrial/business wastes. You may obtain details regarding the landfill at www.deltacounty.com Hours and dates are known to change, call ahead to confirm the landfills hours.
Delta County accepts recycling at the City Market parking lot in Hotchkiss. You may obtain details regarding recycling at www.deltacounty.com.