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Tree Board Events

Arbor Day Tree Planting has been a tradition since 1999, when the Paonia Tree Board was formed.

The first 1999 Arbor Day tree dedication by Girl Scouts. -->The first 1999 Arbor Day tree dedication by Girl Scouts.



<-- Tree Board member John Valentine with the Linden tree, explaining how to plant a tree. Fill with the soil from the hole, not too deep, don't over-water.

School Dedication 1


School Dedication 1

School Dedication 2


2018 Arbor Day Planting in Apple Valley Park.

Former Tree Board member about what trees meant to him.


The Apple Valley maple tree...later.


Arbor Day Poster Contest

Every year the Colorado Tree Coalition sponsors a tree poster contest for k-5 students. In 2019, Bodhi Gilroy won statewide.

From August 16, 2019, Delta County Independent:

Bodhi Gilroy is one talented young artist. A fifth-grade student at North Fork School of Integrated Studies, Gilroy submitted the winning entry for the annual Colorado Tree Coalition Arbor Day Poster Contest.

Sponsored by the Colorado Tree Coalition and the Colorado State Forest Service, Arborscape Services, and Denver’s “Be a Smart Ash” emerald ash borer campaign, the contest was open to all Colorado fifth-grade students. This year’s theme is “Celebrate Trees in Our Community.”
The poster will be displayed at the Colorado State Capitol through the month of April. Bodhi, his family and NFSIS teacher, Lauren Ziccardi, will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to Denver and tour the Capitol.

Bodhi. ...... Photo by Tamie Meck.Local entrants


The Paonia Tree Board has organized two Sick Tree Days, 2020 and 2021. The 2022 event will take place near the third weekend in June with a sign-up sheet in town hall. We recruit a CSU tree expert, an entomologist (bug guy) and several experienced Master Gardeners to make house calls to look at ailing plants. 

Lessons Learned for all of us:
There are some patterns and recurring problems that are worth knowing about:

  • Watering too close to the trunk. As the tree grows, the water gathering roots grow outwards. Water deeply at or beyond the outer edge of the branch tips, the dripline. How often and how long? Use a long screwdriver or any metal rod to measure soil moisture. If the probe slides into the soil easily and comes out with a muddy film on it, the soil is wet. slides easily, no muddy film, medium. If it is hard to push into the soil, the soil is dry. Water to 12″ deep. Beyond that, there are few roots in our type of soil.
  • Water in winter, about once a month.  Many trees are dying because we had a fall freeze, dry winter, and spring freeze, on top of a drought year. More than a tree can bear.







Right: Lack of water under the sidewalk and median strip. ---->

Sick Tree Days 01
people from CSU Master Gardener program

A team of experienced ag people from CSU Master Gardener program, extension service, and/or Colorado Forestry Service visit sites to analyze tree problems and make recommendations.






<----  Left: Pruning to reduce borer damage and infestation. No other practical choice. Many branches are still productive, so cut out diseased branches and enjoy cherries until there are no more. It doesn’t look very nice but tastes great.

(2021) Paonia Tree Board, Master Gardeners, Susan Carter (CSU extension tree expert, second from right). Taking photo was Jim Leser, retired etymologist (insect PhD) from Cedaredge board. Our special thanks to Susan and Jim.

(2021) Paonia Tree Board,
pear tree with pear slugs<---- A young pear tree with pear slugs (sawfly maggots). It will survive.
Looking into a tree problem, trees that just need more water, and an aspen with cytospora fungus, the eventual fate of most aspens at our altitude.


CSU Master Gardener

Sick Tree Day is an opportunity to have experienced eyes look at tree problems. You can also submit questions and samples to the TriRivers Extension 0ffice in Delta by email, by phone, or in person. 
For $25 the CSU Master Gardener diagnostic group will make a site visit to look at problems. Call Tri-Rivers extension service office in Delta.

The Tree Board staffs a table at Cherry Festival and Fall Harvest Festival. Bring questions! We will have a CSU extension Master Gardener table at our booth.
